Amy Potthast | Instructional Coach & Designer | Learning Design Studios

Posts tagged ‘Right and Left Brain’

Left brain goes offline, Nirvana ensues

Last night I watched Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED Talk from 2008 (seems I am a bit behind the times) and loved it so much.

Taylor suffered a stroke in her late 30s, and because she’s a neuroscientist had a very unique perspective on the experience, even while her (left) brain was still hemorrhaging.

Here’s the talk:

After you watch it, what questions does it bring up for you?

For me, questions arise such as:

Implications for Icebreakers and Energizers?

If it’s the right brain through which we feel most connected to others and most aware in the present moment, and it’s the right brain that governs our kinesthetic experience of the world, what does that mean (more…)